[testimonial author=”Cancerian Angels” bg=”#D7EBFA”]There are some people who come and go in your life. Some are there and we dont know why or question how. The MOJO program has ignited a spark in me. We all have it, its buried under work, kids, this busy life we all lead. The MOJO program has helped me dig deep and find my spark again. Every day I was anxiously waiting for Matts emails. It was like a sign of what the day would hold in store for me, a hope that something new would happen. There are many life lessons to learn. The MOJO program is now my Bible for life. Baby steps, with a plan, it will be amazing.

Thanks Matt, forever grateful to you for just being you. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Lyne” bg=”#D7EBFA”]Life does deal us many curve balls that take us in one or another direction, some have the courage and the ability to turn themselves around, some do it half heartedly blaming their failure on anyone or anything but their own choices and some die early perpeptuating another generation to suffer from their choice of lifestyle.

The MOJO experience has been well worthwhile for me personally. As I did indicate many of the motivational tools and indeed stories I have heard before, however as is human nature I have heard them, acknowledged them for a while, then relegated the wisdom to another part if my mind until I need them again.

Keep going with the MOJO, offer it to as many others as possible, it just may hit someone at a low time in their lives, or an oldie like me who needs to be reminded from time to time just how lucky I am.

I like most people have had a number of “low” periods in my life, that’s just life.and we do know that when everything is going along nicely there is no reason to change. It is only when things go astray that there is either the compulsion to change or to procrastinate or blame someone else for our misfortune.

Listen to me, I’m lecturing!!

I really appreciate your time, insight, innovation and the courage to put things into practice.

Thank You. [/testimonial]

[testimonial author=”Donna” bg=”#D7EBFA”]Going to Bali with Bang Fitness Adventure last September was one of the most exhilarating experiences I have encountered. You get to have a holiday, do adventurous activities, get fit & stay in a luxurious accommodation. I would do it again in a heartbeat. If your looking for a holiday with a difference, I would highly recommend this one.[/testimonial]

[testimonial author=”Fletch” bg=”#D7EBFA”]

My husband and I joined the Bali Fitness Adventure tour last year. Being a gym member I looked forward to a different type of exercise and certainly got that.

There was something for all levels of fitness from climbing Mount Batu to White Water Rafting, visiting local areas, a cooking school and bike riding.

The Villa accommodation was clean, comfortable and close to shopping and eateries.

There was allocated free time to explore and do your own thing.

I would recommend this trip and in particular going with Bang Fitness Adventures[/testimonial]

[testimonial author=”Amanda” bg=”#D7EBFA”]Can’t recommend this enough for anyone (like me) whom has never been or not seen what great adventures there are to be had in Bali. No matter whether you are just starting out on your fitness journey or you’ve been at it for decades, this adventure is for everyone. Not only will it challenge you physically, you will discover the unique culture of Bali and possibly make some great new friends! I did.[/testimonial]


[testimonial author=”Merryn” bg=”#D7EBFA”]Thank you soooooo much for all of your encouragement to join in on the four day walk even though I was travelling as a party of one.  The last four days of amazing scenery has been uplifting.  From sparkling diamonds in the sand to gorgeous sunrise where the rain almost fell out of my eyes.  Today is a new day and I feel full of energy again.  My family can thank you for that.  Have also surprisingly been reminded why I loved group travel in the past and feeling the travel bug rise. There is so much more to see.

The group of ladies were AMAZING and I really enjoyed each and everyone’s company along the way.  With all the sounds of the chitty chat along the way you can only assume that the rest of the girls also thoroughly enjoyed their experience.[/testimonial]